I learned some scary things regarding the medical world prior to passing of a senior patient. I have lost total faith in the Medical field.
I do believe we are actually experiencing euthanasia becoming acceptable, encourage and forced.
What is called Right-to-Die is really Forced-to-Die.
In recent years, I know of a patient that was in their senior years. They had been living on their own and doing fine. They had a short stay in a hospital and were sent to a long term acute care facility for just some minor rehab. The things that happened there were horrendous and caused a decline in health. The doctor in charge of their care had a total disregard for life, he changed specialist’s orders. He had an attitude of “so what if this person dies, they are old”. It was appalling.
This patient’s health declined quickly. Their kidneys started to fail. Their kidney specialist talked to them privately and kicked everyone out of the room. He told them that he may not be able to get their kidneys fully functioning again. At that point he asked them if they wanted to have dialysis or not. The patient asked the doctor if they did not have dialysis if they would die. He said yes. The patient said they wanted to live. He then went into great detail how miserable it is to be on dialysis. The patient then had to argue, defending that they wanted to live. The patient repeated back to him what he had said, that their kidneys could start functioning and that they may not have to be on dialysis forever. The patient told him clearly that they were willing to be on dialysis for the rest of their life if they needed to be.
At this point the doctor realized that he was not getting the answer he wanted. The patient wanted to live and he was not going to convince them otherwise, so he tried again from a different angle. He started telling the patient what a huge burden they would be on their family and how wrong that was of them to do this to their family, intensely pressuring the patient to refuse dialysis. The patient argued again and said they wanted dialysis. He also started pressing for them to sign a DNR form, which means “Do Not Resuscitate”. The patient refused that too.
Once the kidney specialist gave up trying to convince the patient, and then he decided to try to convince the family. The patient was not a burden on the family but a blessing. The family was willing to have their loved one move in with a family member. Even if the family had to drive the patient to dialysis 3-4 times a week! How many Moms do that for their children just to go to soccer practice? He went through the whole explanation to the family about how horrible dialysis is, etc. The family stated to him that he didn't know if this would be permanent. The patient could go off dialysis. He had to agree. The family stressed the patient's wishes to go on dialysis even if it was permanent. He then started attacking the family verbally and saying how cruel it was of them to do this to their loved one, laying on a thick guilt trip about how terrible the family was, that they needed to do what was “right”. The family told them they were only honoring the wishes of the patient and that they were not going to convinced the patient of something they did not want. He then had to put the patient on dialysis. He got another doctor involved, who cornered the family, and told me not to take on the burden of the patient, that the family need to focus on themselves and not bring their loved one home if they survived. They double-teamed the family at the same time. The other doctor was just going on the information the kidney specialist had and his personal opinions on how people should just put the elderly in nursing homes.
The Patient and family continued to have a daily arguments about the DNR. Every time the kidney specialist would do his rounds he would harass the patient about signing a DNR and the patient got so upset over the issue that an attorney was called. But no one could find a rule or law that would not allow him to ask every time he saw the patient if they wanted to sign a DNR paper. The patient even filled out a living will that said their wanted to be resuscitated. The doctors in the case said that Living Wills mean nothing to them. The patient said they wanted every day to focus on getting better and not be re-asked what to do if they coded. They had already told them what to do!
The patient got sicker and not able to fully communicate for themself. At this point the kidney specialist called the other family members. He had not gained any ground with convincing the patient or family members he talked with so he decided to talk to all family members. He went through the whole thing again with them, how horrible dialysis was etc… Then he started saying that he thought the patient was too sick for dialysis and that it could kill them. He then announced to everyone that he was not going to allow dialysis anymore, that patient was going to die in two days, and if they wanted to see the patient before they died they needed to come immediately. They all argued with him saying that the patient’s kidneys could start functioning again. He said yes. They begged for more time for the medicines to start working and to give the patient a chance. He said no. One family member spoke up and said don’t doctors take an oath to do all they can do to sustain life? The doctor said he didn't have to do anything that he considered to be futile medicine. They asked how this was futile if he thought the patient could get better. He could not answer the question. He talked out of both sides of his mouth. On one hand he would say the patient was too sick for dialysis and the other he would say the patient could get better. He stated there was a possibility that they might need dialysis the rest of their life and or be in a nursing home and that's not a quality-of-life. He said “Therefore I refuse to give the patient any dialysis”. The family could not believe their ears. He was sentencing their family member to death based on his “personal” beliefs on quality of life. It was clear that he was arguing quality of life and not about the patient medical condition. He kept wiggling in his seat and twitching when asked questions that revealed this distinction. Luckily Family members had researched a bit on euthanasia and understood the growing view that anyone that was deemed unproductive in society should be euthanatized. Therefore seeing through him and understanding where he was coming from. The family got a second opinion.
When they got a second opinion it was in complete opposition to everything the first kidney specialist said. The new Specialist said there was no reason at all for the patient not to be on dialysis and that actually patient numbers were doing pretty good. He said he thought he knew why their kidneys were failing. He felt strongly that he would be able to get them working again.
The new kidney specialist put the patient back on dialysis. It went perfectly. They got off dialysis within a couple of weeks. The patient was shocked and angry when their got better and their found out their first doctor had giving them death sentence based on his “personal” opinions about their quality-of-life. The patient was terrified to be alone with the medical “professionals”.The patient was thrilled to be alive, thrilled to have more time with family. They were well enough to go home and live with family for short while. Every day they were with their family was a miracle and a blessing, because if the family had listened to it the personal opinions of that “Kevorkian” doctor and had not fought him, we would not have the extra time with their loved one.
The patient was thankful for every day they had extra here, and had no regrets fighting to stay alive and the family had no guilt in following what their family member wanted.
In conclusion it is my opinion there is a great movement out there to euthanize the elderly, to tell them they are a burden to their families and tell the families that they shouldn't take them in, to neglect them and hope they die of something that appears natural in nature.
What has our society turned into, when have to fight for the right to have loved ones live? To be told not to have them move in with family. Statistics prove that elderly live longer when with family than in nursing homes. When did they start having the rights to tell people what our definition of a quality-of-life should be? You must watch everything they do in the hospital. I have heard that advice has been given by heads of departments at hospitals and patient advocates saying to keep a journal of every medicine, every detail, and research everything because that is the only way to keep a family member alive! You must be the nurse and doctor and question everything.
Beware this will only get worse for multiple reasons.
1) If we have socialized health care the quality will go down, proof lies in all the countries with it. I know of a situation of a teacher in Sweden that broke their wrist years ago. They are in chronic pain especially when they write on the chalk boards at school. The government says they do not have the type of job that deems a need for surgery on their wrist. If they were an athlete they could have the surgery.
2) The occultists are pushing for Euthanasia, for many reasons. They say it is a kind and loving act. But I believe it is a quick and easy way to get rid of the God-fearing traditional values of the senior citizens that they still carry and influence others with.
Adolph Hitler said:
“Your child belongs to us... What are you? You'll pass on. Your descendents, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.” Speech, November 6, 1933, in the rise and fall of the Third Reich page 249
3) They want the money for other programs, not to spend it on the health of the “Faithful”, to slim down budgets and free up funds for their own pet projects.
4) Because they know what is “best” for you. It is what is best for the collective, for the “whole”. You are not to be concerned for yourself, only for how you affect the world.
5) They will have literal control over life and death. If you do not take the initiations and take on the mark of the beast they will not give you any kind of health care. That will be a great incentive to take the mark.
6) Right now we are seeing laws on euthanasia in many countries like the Netherlands that keep getting broader and broader in scope. Their definition of a “quality of life” that deserves euthanasia keeps expanding to include retardation, depression and many defects and illnesses. Euthanasia is even carried out on behalf of those who “would wish it if they were in their right mind to decide for themselves.” Finally it will include the evil self-centered separates that do not believe they themselves are “god” and insist on hurting themselves and others by worshiping a false idea of the God of Abraham. They will need to be euthanized so their souls can go to another dimension and learn and grow because they are holding the world’s evolution back. They will assert that Christians, Jews and Muslims who refuse to convert are incurably mentally ill, so the new-world order must decide to euthanize them.
7) Soon “quality of life” will be defined as only the One World Religion followers. The world will be prepared step by step though all of the different kinds of Euthanasia to be brainwashed into feeling that this is perfectly natural and logical.
8) We no longer have respect for the lives of unborn children, the elderly and soon the religiously faithful.
There are many other possible reasons but I will stop here for now.
Though recent incidents have put the fire underneath me to write on the subjects I have researched for over 25 years.. I will not let people die in vain and lose their souls to this occult movement. I will write till I can not write anymore against the New Age Occult and Warn everyone I can what they are doing in all areas.
Beware of these things. Protect your loved ones the best you can. Warn others as much as possible so we can try to hold back this tide as long as possible.
God Bless
I was the anonymous at the cumbey blog. As there appears to be no way to privately contact you about my experience and knowledge, let me say that based on the horror I went through with my husband's death in 2001, your information is accurate. There are a few organizations dealing with euthanasia, but at this point there is no place where an individual can turn for help in their individual case, information or an ear. The pro-life movement is the main source of help, but as fund raising is important, they still concentrate on the abortion question. There appears to be little money to help with the euthanasia question. I would suggest everyone make themselves informed about the bioethics movement, which is very large, and information about critical care committees. I fought back based on what I knew about the euthanasia movement from pro-life sources.
Have worked at a hospital, and I can attest to the fact that much goes on in them as Rose is sharing. What I saw turned me off to doctors. I don't even want to go to one, but pray instead and try to get well naturally. Medicines will kill you anyway eventually if too much is taken. My own father and mother had a tray full of meds before they died.
I've seen where they speak to the family and let them know they can't find a vain for hydration anymore and just let the patient waste away. It's terrible. That nurse could have gone another route, but in Hospice it's the end if you go there. It's deliberate these days.
Protect you and your loved ones from these people who have no respect for life. "The right to die" document that you sign in the hospital, is an avenue they use to promote your death sentence. It's reverse of what people think.
May God keep us all in his hands. And we won't leave this earth until he appoints it; that we will finish our course. Praise God!
I'm so sorry about your experience with your husband. I can understand why you are making all this known. So little is. In Oregon where we live, Euthanasia is getting a foot hold. But it's spreading across this nation and around the world; especially assisted suicide. There's little respect for life today from birth to our last.
Yes, the hospital here where we live have a "critical Care Committee". It's pretty serious when they actually have a committee for such a thing as someone being in the hospital. When my husband was in the hospital a while back, I was at his side the biggest part of the time; because I know what they do. I even had a run in with the doctor on the phone. So many people trust their life to the doctor, not a good idea. The nurses gave him little care. But praise God, he came out of that alive.
There probably are exceptions in doctors and nurses having true compassion and mercy, but it's rare. The reason being is, both have ongoing training at the hospital where they work, and they do their best to brain wash them with new techniques etc. Some things they are learning are good, but not the death and dying part of their training.
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